Monday, January 30, 2017

Mrs. Edenfield’s Monday Memo
January 30-February 3

January 30: Spirit Card Fundraiser Starts
February 2: NCES Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night (Bradley Park Only) 5-8 pm

1.        port                6. roar
2.      north               7. board
3.       more                8. part
4.      store                9. start
5.      oar                   10. park
**first **hurt **ago **carry **people

1.    Costume: clothing you wear to look like something or someone else
2.   Customs: ways of acting or events that a group of people has done over and over again
3.   Favorite: something you like best
4.   Parades: a large group of people, including bands, moving through a public place for a special event
5.   Surround: If something is surrounded by something else, the first thing is closed in on all sides by the second thing.
6.   Travels: If something travels over or through a place, it goes over or through there.
7.    Wonder: When you think about something because you are curious about it

Reading/ELA: Story Elements; Ask and Answer Questions; Main Idea and key Details; Author’s Purpose; Expository Text; Helping Verbs; Synonyms/Antonyms
Math: Measurement
Social Studies: James Oglethorpe
Science: Night Sky

School Lunch
Monday: 1. Pizza 2. BBQ Sandwich
Tuesday: 1. Cheeseburger 2. Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday: 1. Yogurt Tray 2. Chicken Fajita Melt
Thursday: 1. Vegetable Soup 2. Popcorn Chicken               
Friday: 1. General Tso Chicken 2. Salisbury Steak

Thanks to everyone who supported our Boosterthon over the last couple of weeks!  The children had a blast at the Fun Run last Friday and we are excited about the money we earned to buy new technology for our school!! Thanks again for your support!

MATH FACT TEST: February 3
2+0=0                    2+7=9
2+1=3                    2+8=10
2+2=4                    2+9=11
2+3=5                    2+10=12
2+4=6                    2+11=13
2+5=7                    2+12=14
**The students will have 20 math problems to answer in 2 minutes.  

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