Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mrs. Edenfield’s
Monday Memo

September 12-16
Important Dates:
September 16: School Pictures
September 28: Spirit night at Chick-Fi-A (Bradley Park)
October 7: Fall Festival (6:00-8:30 pm)

Things to Remember:
*School hours: 7:45- 2:15
*PE: Mondays!  Wear your tennis shoes!
*LUNCH: 10:40-11:10am
                *PTO: $10 to join
*School spirit shirts: $10

Lunch Menu
Monday: 1. Mini Ravioli 2. Popcorn Chicken
Tuesday: 1. Lasagna 2. Chef Salad
Wednesday 1. Philly Melt 2. BBQ on flatbread
Thursday: 1. Salisbury Steak 2. Chef Salad
Friday: 1. Chicken Filet Sandwich 2. Corn Dog

Topics of study this week:
Reading Workshop: GENRE: Narrative Nonfiction
Math: Topic 5: Place Value to 1,000
Social Studies: Landforms, Regions and Rivers of Georgia
Science: States of Matter

did, fin, pick, line, pipe, tip, mix, five, side, hike

Vocabulary Words:
Check: To look at something closely to make sure it’s ok.
Customers: people who buy things
Choose: to decide on one things rather than another
Jobs: work people do to earn money
Chores: small jobs around the house
Spend: pay money to buy something
Cost: how much you have to pay for something
Tools: equipment used to make or fix things

**Please read with your child for at least 15 minutes every night!  Please practice DOLCH sight words with your child!
MONDAY: Write your spelling words 3 times each; read 15 for your reading log
TUESDAY: Read 15 for your reading log
WEDNESDAY: Read 15 minutes for your reading log
THURSDAY: Study for your spelling (TEST is FRIDAY)

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